
Portrait of a Woman’s Tears

105 mins: 4M, 3W, 1NB, 1GN

Portrait of a Woman's Tears tells the story of Elaine who's lost the ability to cry--but that's the least of her problems. See, there's Quinn, her newborn who won't stop criticizing her. Elaine's (ex) husband Nate is no help either, ever since he moved into the doghouse in the backyard to try to find his inspiration to paint again. Thea, the new nanny and a nude painting recently come to life, brings relief and trouble in equal measure. And Peanut, the family dog, mostly tries to make sure Elaine has a drink in hand. In this absurdist comedy, art, gender, emotional labor, and motherhood are all explored as well as the question: what does it mean to cry for someone?

Read the script at NPX



  • 2017: Rockhurst University (Kansas City) Commissioned Production


  • 2019-2020 Semi-Finalist, In-Progress New Play Reading Series at the Unicorn Theatre

  • 2019: Finalist, LezPlay Contest, Pride Films & Plays

  • 2018 Finalist, Bay Area Playwrights Festival , Playwrights Foundation

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